- Excellence
- December 1th, 2021
Viña Concha y Toro invites you to continue enjoying responsibly
The leading wine production company in Latin America launched this year, #FromBeginningToEnd, its new global corporate campaign on Responsible Consumption, which sought to reinforce three attributes: Commitment, Education and General Recommendations.
In September, Viña Concha y Toro launched its new global corporate campaign with the aim to educate and communicate to its collaborators, consumers and clients around the world, about its strong commitment to promoting a Responsible and moderate Consumption of wine.
The first stage of this campaign called “From Beginning to End” offered active communication in the different digital channels of the company and its subsidiaries, to promote three main subjects: Communicate the commitment, provide educational material, and finally, give general recommendations around the Responsible Consumption of wine.
Viña Concha y Toro is deeply convinced that the promotion of Responsible Consumption is an essential element and a necessary value to consolidate its leadership at a global level, as well as being a fundamental part of its commitment to present and future society. Therefore, it encourages Responsible Wine Consumption and educates about the benefits of moderate consumption.
The company invites you to continue to enjoy responsibly through the site Consumoresponsable.vinacyt.com, which interactively gives all relevant information on Responsible Consumption, and to stay tuned to its next activations on this topic.