- Excellence
- March 22th, 2018
Viña Concha y Toro among the companies with the best Corporate Governance and CSR in Chile
Viña Concha y Toro once again stood out among the companies with the best corporate reputation and most responsible in Chile, in the ranking carried out by MERCO (Corporate Reputation Business Monitor) in 2018.
In the eighth Chilean version of the ranking of Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Governance 2018 – the company obtained third place in the overall ranking and held the first place in the category of Beverages, demonstrating its strength and positioning in the sector.
The study hierarchizes the firms according to factors such as their ethical behavior, transparency, responsibility with their employees, as well as with the environment and with the community.
“The commitment to the environment is a variable that companies can´t ignore in the current scenario, as they are increasingly relevant factors for the development of their corporate image. 50% of a company’s reputation is measured by Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) factors. This focuses on the environment beyond the economic results that a company can have”, explained Merco’s general manager, Rodrigo Alvial.

“Our company has a long history and we have reached a relevant position in the global industry. We seek to continue growing, opening new markets and anticipating new trends. However, this is not enough, since we do not conceive growth away from good practices in all areas of our actions, responding to the new challenges of the industry in the 21st century”, said Blanca Bustamante, Director of Corporate Affairs of Viña Concha and Toro.
Viña Concha y Toro enters the ranking of multilatin companies in the region
Another great recognition was awarded by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), which selected Viña Concha y Toro for the first time within its multilatin ranking. In it, BCG identifies the best 100 Latin American companies that over the last decade have outperformed their regional competitors in growth, profits and return to their investors, in addition to operating in several countries.
18 Chilean companies were included, describing them as “the key to the economic future of Latin America”. The report highlights our country as the most successful in the continent, given that the national firms selected contribute with a participation of 2.8 times their weight in the regional GDP In this sense, Chile is the birthplace of 18% of BCG’s list of multilatin corporations.
Five requirements were part of the methodology of inclusion of companies in this report: That its parent company and main shareholders are in Latin America; that his income was at least one billion dollars in 2016; that they have an international presence (at least 10% of their sales were in other countries); that its growth was above the GDP of the region, and that its businesses has positive prospects in the future.