Viña Concha y Toro presents its Integrated Annual Report 2023 marked by its 140th anniversary

The company’s Annual Report for 2023 is now available, which highlights the progress and recognition of the holding and each of our subsidiaries in the three origins.

Viña Concha y Toro publishes its Annual Report and Sustainability Report individually each year, but for 2023, and for the third time in its history, a single document was prepared that brings together financial and sustainability information through an Integrated Report, which represents the eleventh consecutive publication of the company’s sustainability indicators.

This Integrated Report presents the most relevant aspects of the company’s financial, social, environmental and governance performance to its respective stakeholders. The content of the report is prepared in accordance with the criteria and content required by the Financial Market Commission (CMF), in its NCG No. 461, which includes sustainability information in annual reports.

The report highlights the message of the company’s chairman, Alfonso Larraín Santa María, who referred to the complex year 2023 and the changes experienced in Viña Concha y Toro during the period, highlighting the 140th anniversary and the company’s purpose.

“I am convinced that our great team, together with the business model, the commercial strategy we have deployed and the measures we adopted during the last year, are leading us on the right path to resume attractive and sustainable growth rates, in order to fulfill our purpose of creating memorable experiences around the world”, highlights Alfonso Larraín in the document.

We appreciate the work and commitment of the different areas of the company that worked collaboratively in its edition, resulting in the most complete and updated document on Viña Concha y Toro – Family of The New World Wineries.

We invite you to review the Corporate Report 2023 here. (Only in Spanish)

Viña Concha y Toro presents its Integrated Annual Report 2023 marked by its 140th anniversary