- Sustainability
- October 23th, 2018
Viña Concha y Toro shines in international sustainability index
The Chilean winery has once more obtained an impressive score in the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), an international indicator of sustainability.
For four consecutive years, Viña Concha y Toro has been part of this important international index of sustainability, which measures environmental, social, economic, and corporate governance factors.
Valentina Lira, Viña Concha y Toro´s Sustainability Manager, comments that the scores obtained were significantly higher than the other companies´ average included in this index. “In the environmental section we received 85 points, and the average in the beverages category was 52 points; in the social section we reached a total of 72 points, whereas the average was 43. Finally, in the economic section, we scored 63 compared to an average of 43”, remarks Valentina Lira.

Viña Concha y Toro´s Sustainability Manager explains that the DJSI is a variant of New York’s Dow Jones stock market index, and is used in companies that fulfil certain environmental requirements. “The fact that we, as a Chilean company, belong to this indicator is already a source of pride. If one adds to that our consistently higher-than-average scores, this shows that the work which we do here at Viña Concha y Toro in terms of sustainability is headed in the right direction”, adds Valentina Lira.
The DJSI possesses strict procedures so as to be able to select which of the 2500 largest companies of the world that are part of Dow Jones can participate in this index: they must comply with 50 general as well as specific standards, which are all requirements in order to be considered for this indicator.
Finally, Valentina Lira points out that Viña Concha y Toro was also included in the Dow Jones Sustainability MILA Pacific Alliance (DJSI MILA) index, which is the version of the index that contains only companies from the region of the Pacific Alliance.